lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

Reminder about your invitation from Jordi Saladrigues Vila


Dear Indie,

This is a reminder that on June 28, Jordi Saladrigues Vila sent you an invitation to become part of his or her professional network at LinkedIn.

Follow this link to accept Jordi Saladrigues Vila's invitation.

Signing up is free and takes less than a minute.

On June 28, Jordi Saladrigues Vila wrote:

> To: Indie Music Express []
> From: Jordi Saladrigues Vila []
> Subject: Invitación a conectarnos en LinkedIn

> Indie,
> Me gustaría añadirte a mi red profesional en LinkedIn.
> -Jordi

The only way to get access to Jordi Saladrigues Vila's professional network on LinkedIn is through the following link:

You can remove yourself from Jordi Saladrigues Vila's network at any time.


© 2011, LinkedIn Corporation

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Artista de la semana


Esta artista, compositora y productora de Filadelfia (USA), nacida en 1976 y que empezó su andadura como cantante en 2003, ha roto todos los moldes del dub y el new punk o post punk con su disco debut "Santogold". "Creator", "L.E.S. Artistes" y "Lights Out", sus singles mas aclamados, han torpedeado las listas de ventas y las pistas de baile de medio mundo. Conozcamosla mejor.

Cual crees que es el mejor debut indie del 2008?